My (6 year old) daughter and her friend Rose were talking on the bus when I overheard the word, "lockdown," which sounded interesting. "What's that?"
"We're having it next week," Rose said. "It's like when you lock the door and hide."
"You're saying it's a drill? Like in case...?"
"In case a bad man comes in the school, well, actually there's hard lockdown and soft lockdown."
"What's the difference between soft lockdown and hard lockdown?"
"In soft lockdown, you just lock the door, but in hard lockdown you all hide and you can't make any noise." (Squeal of excitement). I hope it's hard lockdown!"
"I know, hiding is fun," I said, trying not to act the way I wanted to: scream and run around the bus and jump on the seats and push all the emergency buttons.
What is going on in this COUNTRY?
The lockdown is the fallout shelter for our era. A way of expressing feelings of fear and helplessness in the face of a political situation that is not making any sense and is endangering all of us. A so-called "solution," where the easy and obvious solution-- for reasons of deep cultural insanity-- won't be brought to bear. The lefty version of teachers carrying guns. Scared talking to crazy.
I won't preach to you because you know gun control is the solution. Meanwhile, SSRIs have been shown to cause homicidal and suicidal thoughts, impulsivity, psychosis and-- according to one article I read-- waking nightmares in which a person is compelled to act out his worst fear. Teenagers should not be on this shit. Eric Harris was on Luvox and Dylan Klebold was reported to have been taking Paxil and/or Zoloft. Adam Lanza was probably taking anti-psychotics. For a list of other mass shootings perpetrated by teenagers who were on SSRIs, check out Michael Moore's article:
We need to talk about this.
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